Abbarci Industries

Coffee | Gas | Fish

Company NameAbbarci Industries Ltd


Industry: Coffee Processing, Silver Fish Farming and Processing, Gas

ChallengesWeighbridge, Quality of Coffee, Conglomerate Management, Manual Coffee Manufacturing Process

KOLA Solutions: Customized Odoo Manufacturing, Customized Weighbridge, Customized Lab Analysis, Multi-company Feature

Abbarci Industries Limited is a Ugandan agricultural trading company that has an integrated supply chain for Coffee.  The coffee factory purchases and processes while capturing integration efficiencies and effectively managing quality.  The factory leverages a network ​infrastructure of rural coffee aggregation through farmers' groups, agents, and traders.


Dishonest weighbridge operators reported inflated weights, which resulted in overpriced consignments that taxed the organization greatly.

The customized Odoo weighbridge module streamlined the receipt of coffee consignments process and facilitated transparency of every transaction, from receipt of the consignment to the silos and eventually to the final bill sent to the supplier. To achieve this, the consignment weights, i.e the trucks and coffee, are captured in the system in real time, and photographs of the trucks with their respective number plates are uploaded to the system.​

Quality of Coffee

Challenges with Quality of coffee included checking, maintaining, and recording the moisture content of coffee that is delivered by the customer, the percentage of screen-sizes for the coffee that is delivered, and other categories of coffee such as C/White, Broken, Husks, and other foreign materials (FM).

The Customized Odoo Lab Analysis module enables the quality control team to capture the records of  measuring the moisture content of the Coffee consignment and the different screen sizes used to measure the quality of coffee.

Conglomerate Management

Abbarci is a conglomerate of 3 companies in varying industries. There was need for separation of the 3 entities and a clear reporting structure of the financial statements.

Abbarci Gas

The Odoo multi-company feature allowed Abbarci to manage each subsidiary through a single database while sharing data across companies, streamlining accounting, finance, inventory, and other business operations. This would provide a comprehensive view of the entire organization, enabling easier management and reporting.

We have deployed Odoo for Abbarci Gas to manage for Inventory Management, Sales and Accounting that is fully integrated with the Tax Authority (URA) EFRIS.

Abbarci Fish

We have deployed Odoo for Abbarci Fish to manage Fish production, Sales, Retail Outlets and Accounting.

Odoo helped Abbarci Fish to digitize their process flow and helped to improve their productivity.

Manual Coffee Manufacturing Process

The need to automate the storage process of dry and wet coffee, processing at production lines, color sorting and packaging. 

The Odoo Manufacturing app helped track different consignments and determine the variance between what the Lab analysis predicted and what was actually produced.


With Odoo, Abbarci has successfully streamlined its operations, from Coffee consignment procurement and sales to accounting and warehouse management. Odoo's flexible and robust solution has empowered Abbarci to efficiently manage their diverse operations, leading to increased productivity and business growth.

Abbarci Industries
Aggrey Zijja September 6, 2024
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